
As of May 8, 2024, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] [Unknown car #] Note: the car number is not valid, however, we do not currently have a car number for this particular vehicle.

One 1959 Brougham photographed at the 2003 CLC Grand National. License tag reads 'CRUISES 8'. It is possibly one of the cars listed in this section - who can provide the body number?


[Feb.01.2017] [Unknown car #] Note: the car number is not valid, however, we do not currently have a car number for this particular vehicle.

One 1959 Brougham photographed at the 2003 CLC Grand National. License tag reads 'CRUISES 8'. It is possibly one of the cars listed in this section - who can provide the body number?