[last update: 01.10.2003]
The (new)
Cadillac Database©
Cadillac and La Salle Insignia
Colorful Complements
to the Cadillac Car
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(en bas de page se trouve un résumé en français)
Many users have been asking me when I would prepare a page relating to Cadillac insignia. Well, I had one under construction but, since you all seem to be chomping on the bit, I've decided that you can have it now, in the raw. I will have no complaints, therefore, if any of you find that these pages are incomplete. There will be more to come, so please be patient.
Since GM announced (in the Fall of 1999) a major change in the design of the Cadillac crest emblem for the models of the new millenium, I thought users of The (new) Cadillac Database© might enjoy this colorful compilation that I believe illustrates well the history of the Cadillac crest, from its nebulous origins in the seventeenth century up to the one used on the Cadillac models of the last year of this (twentieth) century as well as those of the new millennium.
Table of topics
History of the Cadillac Wreath and Crest
Pre-WW2 insignia
Post-WW2 insignia
Mascots and stand-up hood ornaments, pre- and post-WW2
Cadillac insignia in sales and merchandising literature
Insignia on wheel covers and hub caps, Part 1 - 1902 to 1979
Insignia on wheel covers and hub caps, Part 2 - 1980 and up
Fisher coach logos and emblems
Cadillac club badges and related items
La Salle badges and related items
Fake Cadillac insignia and mascots
The shield of Baron Sylvester of Esparbes de Lussan, lord of Lamothe Bardigues,
from which are derived the 1st and 4th quarters of the Cadillac coat of arms (below)
which Antoine de La Mothe Cadillac, founder of Detroit in 1701, claimed to be his own.
Left: the Cadillac wreath and crest registered by the company on August 7, 1906
Right: a later version [late teens] with tulip wreath and swans in lieu of merlettes
( résumé en français)Vous êtes nombreux (et ...breuses) à me demander des explications relatives aux armoiries de la firme Cadillac. Voici donc l'histoire de ce blason; nous la devons en grande partie à Jean Boutonnet, historien à Castesarrasin et membre du CAVE 83 (club des collectionneurs de véhicules anciens de Tarn-et-Garonne)
La Cadillac Motor Car Company a annoncé cette année (1999) son intention de modifier le blason qui orne depuis près d'un siècle les capots et malles arrières des automobiles de la marque. On verra le nouvel emblème sur les Cadillac du prochaine millénnaire.
Aussi j'ai pensé que les lecteurs de la The (new) Cadillac Database© pourraient avoir plaisir à tout apprendre sur le faux blason de la fausse famille Cadillac, créé de toutes pièces au dix-septième siècle par un certain Antoine Laumet qui se dit Sieur de La Mothe Cadillac, l'homme qui fonda Detroit en 1701.
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© 1996, Yann Saunders and the Cadillac-LaSalle
Club, Inc.
[Background image: superimposed Cadillac and La Salle emblems, 1929]