[ Last update: 03.29.2010 ]
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Cadillac and La Salle Insignia
Insignia in Cadillac
merchandising literature
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(le résumé en français se trouve en bas de page)
On this colorful page you will find a collection of Cadillac crests drawn from the company's merchandising literature (e.g. sales catalogs, ads and the like).
Should you have others not shown here, please send me digital images thereof and I will be happy to include them (please keep images down to a maximum of 100kB; thanks).
1 4 5 8 10 12 14 16 16a
17 17a 18 21
The text (below) appeared on a 1935 Cadillac ad that depicted only the well-known coat of arms: The first Cadillac motor car was built to standards which produced the slogan, "Craftsmanship a Creed, Accuracy a Law". From that day to this, "Quality" has been the watchword of the entire Cadillac organization.
In 1915, for example, Cadillac made this statement: "In announcing its purpose years ago, this company said that Cadillac would create a new standard of automobile values ... Today the Cadillac is in very fact the standard of the world."
In 1925 Cadillac restated its purpose thus: "Not for any consideration would Cadillac lower by a hair's breadth the standards which have established the confidence of its public."
Now, in 1935, Cadillac reaffirms its pledge. Cadillac will continue to build motor cars to quality ideals. The Cadillac crest will continue to stand as a symbol of quality design, quality materials and quality craftsmanship in all cars that bear the distinguished Cadillac name.
For more than thirty years this, the Cadillac Crest, has stood for the finest in quality-built motor cars. To the Cadillac clientele it is a guarantee of inbuilt fineness ... to the Cadillac organization, an inspiration to maintain that standard of excellence which, throughout the years, has come to be Standard of the World.
22 24 26 27a
30 31 34
40 43 46 49 52 55
58 60
Post-WW2 Crests
from merchandising literature
many more to come...
(résumé en français)Cette page est consacrée aux différents emblèmes Cadillac qui figurent soit sur les voitures de la marque soit dans la documentation et les publicités d'époque y relatives.
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© 1996, Yann Saunders and the Cadillac-LaSalle
Club, Inc.
[ Background image: superimposed Cadillac and La Salle emblems, 1929 ]