[ last update: 05.26.2011 ]

The (new) Cadillac Database©


to other interesting web sites relating to
Cadillac and LaSalle history and automobiles


vers d'autres sites Web ayant un rapport avec
les automobiles Cadillac et La Salle et leur histoire

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General Cadillac site link

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These hyper-links ALL were operational when first listed. The compiler of the Cadillac Database is NOT responsible for any subsequent change of address (URL) or possible deletion of the site from the World Wide Web by their creators.


1.   Non-commercial pages
pages à but non-commercial

Cadillac Art [the art of Nicola Wood] Cadillac station wagons
Cadillac Database [another one!]1 Cadillac Ranch (Rik Gruwez' home page)2  
Cadillac photo page (4) by John MacDonald in Nova Scotia ! Caddy Edge, The [new millennium Cadillacs]
Cadillacs of the Early fifties Cadillacs Condensed Cadillac history  Frflag.jpg (773 bytes)
Cadillacs of 1958 (2) Eldorado [front-wheel-drive]
Cadillacs of 1959 (1) History of Cadillac [condensed]
Cadillacs of the 50's, 60's and '70s [good pics] History of Cadillac [one more]
Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz for 1959 History of Cadillac in French  Frflag.jpg (773 bytes)
Cadillac Eldorado Brougham (1957-60) La Salle (3)
Cadillac professional cars (PCS) (1) 100-Year Cadillac History [Mech. Illustrated]
Cadillac professional cars (2) [Dennis Goethe] Cadillac toys and scale-models
Cadillac professional cars (3) Cadillacs on postage and wallpaper stamps
Cadillac professional cars (4) Cadillacs (and others) in Sweden - "Fuzzy Dice"
Cadillac professional cars (5) Cadillac Eldorado Brougham Parts (in Norway !!!)
Cadillac professional cars (6) Cadillac (and other) art by Steve Heller
Cadillacs and Lincolns  Frflag.jpg (773 bytes) Cadillacs of the late Elvis Presley

1 Probably one of the most visited Cadillac sites on the Web is this one, created by John Barach of Canada;  he fills many blanks (especially in respect of the more technical and mechanical aspects of the hobby) that I have a tendency to overlook in favor of the marque's purely aesthetic appeal; highly recommended reading!
2 Ask Rik how you may join his "Cadillac Mailing List" (CML) to discuss Cadillac topics

National, Regional and international Cadillac-LaSalle Clubs
Clubs Cadillac-LaSalle nationaux, régionaux et internationaux

The Cadillac-LaSalle Club, Inc., mother of all Cadillac clubs
The Cadillac Club of Denmark, one of many Scandinavian Cadillac clubs
Despite rigorous winters, the Cadillac Club of Finland
is very active
The Cadillac Club of Great Britain has some fine pics on-line
The Cadillac Club of the Netherlands [Holland] has some fine pics on-line
The Cadillac Club of Sweden has some fine pics on-line
The Cadillac Club of Switzerland has some fine pics on-line
The Classic Car Club of America (CCCA)
[Late extra (May 20, 2001] This from enthusiast Paul Talsethagen: Yesterday (May 19th), the Cadillac Club of Norway was established. Runar Hansen was elected President, I was elected Vice-President.  More details will follow (this may take some time...)  Regards, Paul Talsethagen


2.  Commercial pages
Pages à but commercial

GM/Cadillac site, the official Cadillac home page [new cars]
Lots more Cadillacs for sale  here
Check out Caddy Daddy's site for Cadillac parts/literature
Admirers of the Eldorado Brougham, click here
...and last but not least this site for ALL auto enthusiasts


Note: neither the Cadillac-LaSalle Club, Inc.   nor the compiler of The (New) Cadillac Database© assume any responsibility whatsoever for the quality of  Cadillac cars,  parts, literature and service offered for sale by any of the site operators listed here, nor do they guarantee the accuracy of facts and information relating to Cadillac and LaSalle automobiles found at any of the other listed sites.  


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Nota: Le Cadillac-LaSalle Club, Inc. et le compilateur de la (new) Cadillac Database déclinent toute responsabilité quant à la qualité des automobiles, ou des pièces, ou de la documentation Cadillac offertes dans les pages ci-dessus, liées à celle-ci; ils ne peuvent garantir non plus la précision ni la fiabilité des informations que vous pourriez y trouver concernant les automobiles Cadillac et LaSalle


Finally, if you like cars in general, don't miss The Cadillac Database !
Si vous êtes un fanatique de l'automobile, alors ne manquez la page ci-dessus



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© 1998, Yann Saunders and the Cadillac-LaSalle Club, Inc.
[ Background image: Pencil sketch from memory, by unknown French artist, 1984 ]